Business Class Firewall & Web Content Filtering
In today’s world providing employees with the necessary tools to boost efficiency is an absolute must. One of the most important resources is the internet. However, if not properly controlled access to the internet can create its own inefficiencies.
Employees my take advantage unrestricted access to the internet and utilize it for non-work related tasks. By having the ability to limit access to certain types of content such as Netflix and Facebook your organization can ensure your employees on task and focused on work related tasks throughout the workday. However certain employees and departments may require access to certain cites for sales, marketing, and promotions while other do not. With our content filter solution, your company can control who has access to specific content.

Reduce Security Threats
Gain Complete Control Over Your Security By Blocking Access To Distasteful Content
Being able to protect personal information and sensitive material is a crucial component of any business organization. However, the reality of the situation is that there are malicious people that mine for information with the sole intention to make a profit. Their methods vary from the use of malware in the form a virus, worms, trojans, and other distasteful mediums that get a lot of traffic.
Security issues occur when an unknowing employee navigates to such site. Opening a browser and searching for “free software” send users to legitimate looking sites infested with malware. Our Content Filtering solutions can mitigate these risks and bring piece of mind. If you are a small or mid-sized business and want more information call us at (832)291-2504