WOW Co-managed IT
Augmenting Current IT
So, you know that technology is crucial to the success of your company but do you give it the attention that it deserves? If you find that your IT staff has become overwhelmed with support work, they may be finding it difficult to keep abreast of the work. Unfortunately, the average employee may feel trapped when trying solve the myriad of problems that affect their technology.
This is the reason WOW’s co-managed IT is an extraordinarily useful service, especially for small and medium sized businesses. As they have grown and expanded, it is more than likely they are seeing a need to bring on more IT support. It is not surprising to find that these businesses do not have a budget that is flexible enough to add more IT support to their personnel staff. This being the case, it makes good business sense to outsource your IT maintenance to other certified personnel. Add to that, you will gain competent professionals who can be depended upon when it comes time to incorporate new procedures or resolve complex issues.

Improve Your Business Operations
Scalable Co-managed IT services give your organization options.
As a field, technology support requires an immense amount of knowledge, much of which comes from experience. While your people may work on integrating the new changes, some of the support may fall to the wayside or remain unresolved. This puts your business network security at risk! If patches aren’t issued on a regular basis, your systems will quickly become outdated and accessible to numerous online threats.
With our vigorous remote monitoring and management, we can automate the crucial security upgrades. Then, when you integrate the co-managed IT situation as offered by WOW, you will attain the expertise needed to keep your network protected. With our extensive support services, your in-house team will reap the benefits by gaining significant knowledge concerning the management of business technology from our highly specialized technicians.
Reliability and Accessibility
Give your team the powerful options offered by WOW
You may remember what the workload feels like when an employee is absent. Even if their absence is of short duration it can be a major setback. WOW’s co-managed program helps make paid time off and vacation times easier to handle.
When needed, our co-managed IT brings on dedicated IT professionals who reduce downtime situations whether or not IT staff is available. This is the WOW way, providing your staff with robust support when their technology goes down.
Cost-Efficient and Predictable
Lower your technology support costs with WOW’s IT services
You are obviously aware that co-managed IT is not unlike hiring new personnel but fortunately, without being a major expense. You will find that our services are scalable and come at an affordable flat rate. This why they are ideal for just about any budget. We are not like the usual break-fix IT in that our co-managed IT problem solving, preventive measures are made to order to help save you money in the long run.
WOW is there to help get your technology issues resolved the first time, which in turn helps to save your business more money due to replacement fees or costly repair bills. Unlike your typical break-fix IT, our co-managed IT solutions are designed to help you save money in the long run through preventative measures. We’ll help your business get its technology issues resolved the first time, which in turn saves you more money on costly repair bills or replacement fees.
Get the Support You Need with Co-Managed IT
Call us today to find out what we can do for your company.
WOW’s co-managed IT solutions are specifically designed to assist your in-house IT staff achieve the utmost in operations without all out with a hefty new salary. You will have access to highly skilled professionals whose training allow them to deliver quality service at an affordable rate. For more information about our co-managed IT solutions, give us a call at (503) 443-5596.